Anti-acid work clothes(2)

According to the different fabrics, anti-acid work clothes can be divided into two types of airtight and breathable.
Contact with strong acid operations and other serious acid pollution sites suitable for people to use air-proof anti-acid work clothes, the fabric is generally used single-sided, double-sided rubber coated fabric (tape), polyethylene plastic film (mainly aprons, sleeves, etc.) Due to the characteristics of the fabric itself can not be done well between the body and the environment between the temperature and humidity exchange, so the garment structure may not affect the protective performance of the breathable design to make up for fabric deficiencies; anti-acid mist, acid gas corrosion , Light acid contaminated sites suitable for use of breathable anti-acid work clothes, its breathable, comfortable, soft and lightweight, fabric generally use acid fiber fabric, such as coarse wool, tussah silk, polyvinyl chloride, polyester, etc., Synthetic fiber is not high temperature, low moisture absorption, poor stability to organic solvents, but the acid stability is better than coarse wool, tussah silk and other natural fiber fabrics, especially polyester also has a good stability of the organic solvent has been Was widely used.

To find out more about anti-acid suits, please visit here



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